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Power Rangers/Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch
Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch | |
Power Rangers | |
![]() Bulk and Skull | |
Actors | Jason Narvy (teen/adult)
Ross J. Samya (child) |
First Appearance | 1x01 - Day of the Dumpster |
Last Appearance | 10x34 - Forever Red |
Series Billing | Top Billing (seasons 1-6) |
Notable Episodes | 1x54 - Trick or Treat
2x31 - When Is a Ranger Not a Ranger? 4x12 - Instrument of Destruction 4x36 - Scent of a Weasel 5x43 - Parts and Parcel |
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Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch is a character from Power Rangers portrayed by Jason Narvy. Over the course of the series, Skull evolved from a school bully with wacky antics, to a decent member of society. However, his character was reset slightly after being turned into a monkey during season five, and again when meeting Professor Phenomenus during season six. Skull is rarely seen without his best friend, Bulk, usually acting as his "yes man" in the earlier seasons. For two episodes during season two and ten episodes during season three, Skull was portrayed by Ross J. Samya in child form.
Contents |
Basic Information
Skull became best friends with Bulk some time around second grade -- when Skull stuck a Popsicle down Bulk's back and he decided not to clobber him. Together they enjoyed clearing the school of all of the "geeks." However, Skull has a sweet spot for Kimberly, whom they also referred to as "geek." Apparently this crush had existed since childhood, as young Skull chased after young Kimberly for a kiss in Rangers Back in Time, despite Bulk's plea that he'd catch cooties.
After having an up close encounter with the Power Rangers, Skull and Bulk decided they were going to figure out who the Rangers were. And did at one point -- only for their memory to be erased afterward. After they continued to return empty handed, Bulk came up with an idea to get them girls: join the Angel Grove Junior Police Patrol. It was then that they met their superior, Lt. Stone. While they weren't the best recruits, they did catch the thief that stole Kimberly's car.
Bulk and Skull soon take in an amnesia stricken Goldar and Rito. Goldar and Rito then become their maids in order to keep shelter, until they get their memories back. Bulk and Skull are then tormented for their actions. Skull has also shown that he has an ear for classical music, having played piano since childhood. Something not even Bulk knew about, in fear that he would be teased for it.
After quitting the Junior Police Patrol in protest for Lt. Stone's firing, they join him as detectives. Not doing much better as detectives, they soon start to go bankrupt. But not before they are offered another job with a rival agency -- and take it.
Without much explanation, Skull and Bulk are given one more chance on the Police Patrol with Lt. Stone. However, they get lost and become abducted by Divatox. In their last effort on the Junior Police Patrol, they are turned into monkeys by Elgar -- just shy of their High School graduation. While monkeys, they are taken into the care of Lt. Stone (now the new Juice Bar owner) and make his life miserable by trying to tell him what happened. Eventually they are turned invisible and reappear as humans while trying to steal food from the Juice Bar.
The two are then constantly given jobs by Lt. Stone, only to be fired not much later. The longest job they held was tour guides for the Angel Grove Monster Tour, in which they guaranteed either a real monster or a Power Ranger. This was a lose-lose situation as the tourists would leave either in anger or terror.
They later met up with Professor Phenomenus and became his assistants for wacky plans to find aliens from outer space. When Astronema was threatening to take over Earth, the three were the first to step forward to claim themselves to be Rangers, which bought the actual Rangers a little time to show up. Shortly afterward, Bulk and Phenomenus left to board the space colony, Terra Ventura, forgetting Skull at home asleep. Bulk somehow made his way back to Earth from Mirinoi to open up Club Bulkmeier and hang out with his friend, Skull.
Character History
Memorable Moments
- In Happy Birthday, Zack, Skull's crush on Kimberly is apparently nonexistent, despite the fact that it had been there as early as the first episode. It shows back up two episodes later with Power Ranger Punks.
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