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Season 1, Episode 6
Airdate September 10, 2006
Written by Tommy Blacha &
Brendon Small
Directed by Jon Schnepp
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1x07 →
Performance Klok
MetalocalypseSeason One
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Dethfam is the sixth episode of the first season of Metalocalypse.

Voices: Tommy Blacha (Toki Wartooth/William Murderface), Brendon Small (Nathan Explosion/Pickles/Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Charles Foster Ofdensen), Mark Hamill (Senator Stampingston), Victor Brandt (General Krosier), Laraine Newman


Plot Overview

Due to a talk show host, Dethklok is forced to bond with their families. However, Dethklok deeply hates their families and pretend to enjoy the bonding since they can't kill their families. In the end, Dethklok starts attacking their families and tells them that it is brutal that they have spend to time with them. The parents tell them in response that there is nothing more brutal than raising children and they end up making a music video together.


Arc Advancement





The Show

Behind the Scenes

Allusions and References


Stella Murderface-[sprays Pickles with pepper spray]Oh, you gutless pieces of living garbage! You think you know what it's like to be brutal? [sprays Murderface with pepper spray]Can you imagine cleaning the feculent cud out of this moron's diapers every morning? [sprays Murderface again] Let me tell you billionaire lowlives something. There's nothing...NOTHING in this world more brutal and grotesque than raising children!!

Rose Explosion-[To Nathan] You ruined my vagina!

Serveta Skwigelf-[To Skwisgaar] I could never lose the weight after you were born. And look at the veins in my bosom. [Her breasts are revealed, covered with obviously noticable veins] They're like a roadmap of Stockholm!

Oscar Explosion-[To Nathan] I used to happy...until you! When I started spending all my time with her, and spent all my beer money on little kids' clothes! That's BRUTAL!