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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia/Charlie Has Cancer

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Charlie Has Cancer
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x04.jpg
Season 1, Episode 4
Airdate August 23, 2005
Production Number IP01004
Written by Rob McElhenney
Directed by Rob McElhenney
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It's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaSeason One

Charlie Has Cancer is the fourth episode of the first season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

The gang finds out that Charlie has cancer and work to cheer him up by setting him up with the waitress he's had a crush on.

Starring: Charlie Day (Charlie Kelly), Glenn Howerton (Dennis Reynolds), Rob McElhenney (Mac), Kaitlin Olson (Dee Reynolds)

Guest Starring: Artemis Pebdani (Artemis), Brittany Daniel (Carmen), Mary Elizabeth Ellis (Waitress)

Co-Starring: Dennis Hogan (Construction Worker), Dennis Hart (Construction Worker #2)


Plot Overview

Dennis comes to get a basketball from Charlie and learns that Charlie might have cancer. Charlie wasn't to talk about it, but Dennis is in a rush. Later at the bar, Dennis, Mac, and Dee are discussing ways to try and cheer Charlie up; Dennis and Mac want to find him a girl. That night they try to find a girl at the bar but no woman come into Paddy's except for one transvestite.

Charlie runs into the waitress at the coffee shop and notices that she is wearing one of the Lance Armstrong braclets. Dennis tells Dee that she probably likes people who are dying from cancer and tries to get Dee to talk to her. He convinces her in exchange for Dee getting to punch Mac in the face. But she backs out by telling Dennis that she's found a hot new bartender who will do the coyote ugly routine.

Mac and Dennis go to see the waitress alone. Dennis tells her that Charlie has cancer but instead of feeling concerned for Charlie she starts hitting on Dennis who in turn sleeps with her. After he tells Mac what happen they come up with a plan to give the waitress two-hundred dollars to sleep with Charlie. She tells them to up the price to two-fifty and she agrees. Charlie shows up at the bar happy about the date he had with the waitress. Dennis finds out that Charlie doesn't have cancer. He faked it so that the guys would talk the waitress into going out with him.


Arc Advancement



  • Charlie gets his first date with the waitress even though she is being paid for it.



The Show

Behind the Scenes

Allusions and References

  • When Dennis is riding in his car singing to the music, the song is "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley.

Memorable Moments


  • Dennis: Look at his jeans, dude. That's an unmistakable buldge of a large penis in those jeans.
Dee: Yeah, there's a dick in those pants.
Mac: There's a dick in those pants..
  • Dee: Dennis, our bar is in South Philly, in a scary ally. May as well call it "Rape Bar".