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Frisky Dingo/Emergency Room

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Emergency Room
Season 1, Episode 6
Airdate November 19, 2006
Written by Adam Reed
Matt Thompson
Directed by Neal Holman
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Frisky DingoSeason One

Emergency Room is the sixth episode of the first season of Frisky Dingo, and the sixth episode overall. After a disastrous fall from the Annihilatrix catwalk, most of the people who were there are stuck in a hospital waiting room without insurance. While they struggle with red tape, Xander is being held hostage by the Xtacles.

Guest Stars: Stuart Culpepper (Stan), Christian Danley (Simon), Angela Gibbs (Nurse), Kelly Jenrette (Sinn), Scott Lipe (Watley), Bruce Miles (Doctor), Kate Miller (Grace Ryan), Adam Reed (Killface/Xander Crews), Eric Sims (Xtacle)


Plot Overview

Dangling from atop the Annihilatrix, Grace Ryan's mic cord snaps and she falls into barrels of radioactive waste-covered ants. Shortly thereafter, the Annihilatrix' catwalk collapses and everyone else falls, too. The Xtacles use their rocket boots to fly off with Xander Crews as their prisoner, while the rest of the group wait in the local emergency room to get their various wounds treated.

Killface learns his Mutual Health insurance policy has lapsed, so he and his terribly injured employees (including Phil, who has been impaled on Watley's claw) cannot be treated. As he tries to straighten out the situation over the phone, he discovers that Mutual Health is owned by the Crews Company and his call is terminated by Stan. A radioactive Grace Ryan is told that ants have burrowed into her brain and could possibly control her actions or drive her insane. Simon reattaches Sinn's arm just as Watley comes out of surgery, his lobster claw successfully removed from Phil's abdomen. However, the doctor informs Phil that during the surgery they discovered an inoperable tumor in his entire body.

Up inside the X-Calibur, the Xtacles take turns beating Xander up and telling him their demands for health insurance and better wages. Xander calls Stan to get their salary and benefits back, but Stan informs him that he's in the process of having Xander declared legally dead and is taking control of the Crews Company. With no way to have their demands met, the Xtacles prepare to execute Xander.


Arc Advancement


  • Vendetta: Killface's hatred for Xander Crews grows exponentially when he discovers that the Mutual Health Insurance company which his policy has lapsed on is owned by the Crews Company.
  • Crews Coup: After his kidnapping, Xander was declared legally dead by Stan, who has assumed his position at the head of the Crews Company.


  • Grace: Grace learns that she has super-smart radioactive ants burrowed into her brain. What exactly will happen to hear because of the radioactive ants is not revealed, but the doctor speculates that she'll become an ant queen.
  • Phil: Although Watley's claw was successfully removed from Phil's abdomen without incident, he discovers that he has inoperable cancer in his entire body.



The Show

Behind the Scenes

Allusions and References

  • Dora: At the emergency room, Killface tells his son he'll ask if the staff have any Dora bandaids. Dora is the lead character of Nickelodeon's Dora the Explorer, an American animated television series for preschool-age children.
  • Blackstrap Molasses: Killface complains that the man at the call center who shrieked at him had an accent thicker than blackstrap molasses. There are three major types of molasses: unsulphured, sulphured and blackstrap. Unsulphured molasses is the finest quality, whereas blackstrap is from the third boil and is often sold as a health supplement, as well as being used in the manufacture of cattle feed, and for other industrial uses.

Memorable Moments


  • Doctor: Maybe we should all pray together.
    Killface: [removes the pipe from his chest and screams] Sinn, bring the minivan around.
    Sinn: Sire, Phil has-
    Doctor: I bet whitey here likes to pray.
    Killface: [backhands the pipe across the doctor's skull]