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Witt/Thomas Productions

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Witt/Thomas Productions
Founded 1975
President Susan Harris
Notable Works The Golden Girls

Witt/Thomas Productions is an American production company founded by producer/writer Susan Harris. Most of the shows produced by the company are produced by Touchstone Television, with the exception of some shows. Later it was renamed Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions.



List of shows produced by Witt/Thomas Productions

Title Format Buyer Year(s)
It's a Living Sitcom ABC 1980–1982
Syndication 1985–1989
Condo Sitcom CBS 1983
Tough Cookies Sitcom CBS 1986
One Big Family Sitcom Syndication 1986–1987
Beauty and the Beast Drama CBS 1987–1990
Heartland Sitcom CBS 1989
Lenny Sitcom CBS 1990–1991
Blossom Sitcom NBC 1990–1995
Herman's Head Sitcom FOX 1991–1994
Walter & Emily Sitcom NBC 1991–1992
Woops! Sitcom FOX 1992
The John Larroquette Show Sitcom NBC 1993–1996
Daddy's Girls Sitcom CBS 1994
Muscle Sitcom The WB 1995
The Office Sitcom CBS 1995
Brotherly Love Sitcom NBC 1995–1996
The WB 1996–1997
Minor Adjustments Sitcom NBC 1995
Local Heroes Sitcom FOX 1996
Common Law Sitcom ABC 1996
Pearl Sitcom CBS 1996–1997
Everything's Relative Sitcom NBC 1999

List of shows produced by Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions

Title Format Buyer Year(s)
Fay Sitcom NBC 1975–1976
Loves Me, Loves Me Not Sitcom CBS 1977
Soap Sitcom ABC 1977–1981
Benson Sitcom ABC 1979–1986
I'm a Big Girl Now Sitcom ABC 1980–1981
It Takes Two Sitcom ABC 1982–1983
Hail to the Chief Sitcom ABC 1985
The Golden Girls Sitcom NBC 1985–1992
Mama's Boy Sitcom NBC 1987–1988
Empty Nest Sitcom NBC 1988–1995
Nurses Sitcom NBC 1991–1994
Good & Evil Sitcom ABC 1991
The Golden Palace Sitcom CBS 1992–1993
The Secret Lives of Men Sitcom ABC 1998

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