Whatever Happened to Robot Jones? is an animated comedy set in the retro-1980's future in which a robot named Robot Jones has been developed to interact with humans on a personal level. Unfortunately, Jones is just a prototype so his understanding of emotions is irrational and awkward. Naturally, he is put into the sixth grade with other socially awkward, overly dramatic people.
The series first premiered on August 25, 2000 during Cartoon Network's host of Cartoon Cartoon pilots. It ran for two seasons before being cancelled entirely on November 14, 2003. Although it was speculated that the sudden change in voices of Robot Jones was the cause (he was initially voiced by a voice synthesizer), the actual reason for cancellation was because of a lack of viewers and lack of support from the network.
Season |
Premiere |
Finale |
Cartoon Network
Season One |
July 19, 2002 |
September 13, 2002 |
Season Two |
October 3, 2003 |
November 14, 2003 |
DVD Releases
External Sites