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Heroes/Helix Symbol
From The TV IV
< Heroes
There is a strange symbol that reoccurs frequently in Heroes: A helix-like shape appears in a wide variety of locations, including:
- On the cover of Chandra Suresh's book "Activating Evolution"
- In a light cube on Chandra Suresh's office desk.
- Hidden in the gibberish code of Chandra Suresh's genetics profiling program.
- A post-it note on the map of the world in Mohinder Suresh's apartment.
- The stick in the lizard's tank in Mohinder Suresh's apartment.
- A post-it note in Iyer Sanjog's folder.
- In the swimming pool at the scene of a double homicide committed by Gabriel Gray (aka Sylar).
- Written on some of the pictures in Sylar's apartment.
- A drawing by Peter Petrelli.
- The cover of "9th Wonders Comic" #14, written and illustrated by Isaac Mendez.
- Future Hiro's katana (engraved on the hilt).
- Isaac's paintings that Hiro sees in the future (it was the subject of several renderings).
- A painting of Niki by Isaac.
- The symbol appears as a tattoo on the shoulder of Niki Sanders' alternate personality (Jessica), but it is not visible on her personality.
- Drawn on the side of Claire Bennett's geometry textbook.
- The necklace worn by "the Haitian" (Horn-Rimmed Glasses Man's mysterious assistant).
- Graffiti on a bus stop in Utah.