Cheyenne Cinnamon (in full, Cheyenne Cinnamon and the Fantabulous Unicorn of Sugar Town Candy Fudge) is an animated comedy series created by Dave Willis. In an interview with PitchforkMedia, Willis explained that the series revolves around "a Strawberry Shortcake pop princess that lives in a candy wonderland just outside of Detroit. She comes into Detroit and helps solve problems of racism and teen pregnancy with the power of love and teen pop songs."
Starring in the role of Cheyenne Cinnamon is alt. country singer Neko Case, although she won't be performing any of the songs. According to Willis, "her character will lip-synch [them], and then a decidedly different-sounding voice sings all the songs." The singing voice of the character is provided by Sofia Toufa. Also attached to the show is musician and producer Butch Walker, who will write most (if not all) of the songs in the series. Willis has indicated that the show will be CG animated.
The pilot is was included on the Adult Swim in a Box DVD boxset, along with other pilots. It was also aired on March 28 after winning a competition on Adult Swim's website where viewers voted to decide which pilot would be aired. Despite that, however, the status of the series remains up in the air as no announcements have been made on it's future.
Season |
Premiere |
Finale |
Adult Swim
Pilot |
March 28, 2010
DVD Releases