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The Colbert Report/Special Report

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The Walker, Texas Ranger Lever
Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Actor(s) Stephen Colbert
First Appearance Bob Costas (December 13, 2005)
Last Appearance Spencer Wells (August 14, 2007)
Episode Count 11

A Colbert Report Special Report is a special episode of The Colbert Report where all of the segments of the episode are dedicated to a single subject. These episodes typically do not make use of standard Colbert Report segments like The Word, in favor of multiple interviews in a show or specially produced "documentary" bits. It should be noted that in the second "report," the "T" is pronounced.


Basic Information


  1. Bob Costas (December 13, 2005): "The De-Ballification of the American Sportscape."
  2. Frank McCourt (January 18, 2006): "The De-Edumacation of the American Brainscape."
  3. Emily Yoffe (February 1, 2006): "The American Worker: A Hero's Tribute to the Besieged Workers of the American Jobscape."
  4. Tony Campolo (February 27, 2006): "The De-Deification of the American Faithscape."
  5. John Kasich (March 23, 2006): "Home, Hearth, Heart & Heartland: A Return to Traditional Values."
  6. Hugh Hewitt (April 24, 2006): "Money and Politics: The Machine That Ain't Broke."
  7. Paul Hackett (August 3, 2006): "War: What It's Good For."
  8. Gideon Yago (August 23, 2006): "American Pop Culture: It's Crumbelievable!"
  9. Ariel Levy (October 10, 2006): "A Salute to the American Lady."
  10. Sheryl WuDunn (February 13, 2007): "Apocalypse Mao: Murdered By The Orient's Success."
  11. Spencer Wells (August 14, 2007): "DNA: Could It Happen to You?"


Quotes & Catchphrases