Dragon Ball is a fantasy anime program adapted from a popular manga series published in the monthly magazine Shonen Jump. Loosely based on a Chinese folk tale called Journey to the West, Dragon Ball follows the adventures of Son Goku, a small boy raised in the woods who possesses incredible strength. One day Goku meets a city girl named Bulma, who is searching for the legendary Dragon Balls. Gathering all seven of them together in one place summons the dragon Shenlong, who will then grant almost any wish the bearer has. Goku happens to have one of these balls in his possession, so he joins Bulma on her journey.
The series follows Goku as he searches for the Dragon Balls, encounters numerous villains, learns to fight, competes in tournaments, and even goes on to save the world. Dragon Ball spans roughly 7 years of Goku's life, leading into the series Dragon Ball Z, which chronicles Goku's adventures as an adult (and continues the manga adaptation).
Dragon Ball is a comedic fantasy tale, referencing traditional folk tales while relishing in potty humor and slapstick. One of the trademarks of the Dragon Ball universe are character names that reference ordinary objects and follow a theme - for example, the character Bulma (bloomers) is the daughter of Dr. Briefs.
Fuji TV
Season One
February 26, 1986
September 3, 1986
Season Two
September 10, 1986
July 1, 1987
Season Three
July 8, 1987
February 17, 1988
Season Four
February 24, 1988
November 2, 1988
Season Five
November 9, 1988
April 19, 1989
DVD Releases
External Sites