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Diff'rent Strokes/First Day Blues

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First Day Blues
Season 4, Episode 2
Airdate November 5, 1981
Production Number 0402
Written by Bruce Taylor
Directed by Gerren Keith
Produced by Ben Starr and
Martin Cohan
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Diff'rent StrokesSeason Four
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First Day Blues is the second episode of the fourth season of Diff'rent Strokes, and the seventy-first episode overall.

Starring: Conrad Bain (Philip Drummond), Gary Coleman (Arnold Jackson) (credit only), Todd Bridges (Willis Jackson)

and Dana Plato (Kimberly Drummond)

Kim Fields (Tootie), Brian Whitley (Art), Paul Carafotes (Doug), Michael Sharrett (Henry), Renee Jones (Girl), Joe De Cenzo (Julio), Clarence Gilyard Jr. (The Student)


Plot Overview


Arc Advancement





The Show

Behind the Scenes

Allusions and References

Memorable Moments
