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Degrassi: The Next Generation/Alex Nuñez

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Alex Nuñez
Degrassi: The Next Generation
Actor Deanna Casaluce
First Appearance 3x06 - Gangsta Gangsta
Last Appearance 6x19 - Don't You Want Me (2)
Series Billing Recurring: seasons 3-4
Billed: seasons 5-6
Episode Count 50
Notable Episodes 5x11 - The Lexicon of Love (1)


Basic Information

Alex was born in 1988.

Character History

she dated Jay Hogart from season 3-4. She became a lesbian in Season 5. She goes back to Degrassi in Season 6 to upgrade her marks.

Season 3

Alex was Degrassi: The Next Generation/Jay Hogart's girlfriend. She has a best friend named Amy, and she has a particular disdain for Emma for reasons somewhat unknown. This friction leads to a big physical fight between the two girls in the Degrassi halls. She, Jay and towerz broke into the snack machine.

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Season 4

Alex steps out of the shadow and becomes more than just his girl when she runs for class president early in the year against Marco. She ultimately loses the election by a hair, but Marco names her his vice-president. She uses this position to help Jay and Spinner in the "paint and feathering" of Rrick, but it also leads to a friendship with Marco and Ellie later on after she and Jay split because of his cheating with her best friend Amy and nemisis Emma. In this season Alex also starts a budding friendship with Paige after the two become co-workers and talk, and Alex has a hand in convincing Paige to dump Spinner.


Season 5

Alex is officially hanging with the main crowd now and she and Paige seem to be like best friends. She is also still good friends with Marco and Ellie, but her bond with Paige seems the strongest. They seem to care a lot about each other because Paige worries about Alex's future and convinces her to go to a college fair, and when Paige gets cut out of the Kevin Smith movie, Alex makes it her mission to cheer her up, leading to an evening of looking hot at the premiere and very sexy dancing and ultimately leading to a kiss between the two, and Alex's realization that she is in fact a lesbian. The two do end up having a relationship despite friction between Alex and Hazel that gets resolved, but when Alex can't handle Paige's over-concern for her future, the relationship ends and Alex and Jay become real friends.

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Season 6

As it was revealed in the episode "Working for the Weekend" Alex returned to Degrassi to earn more credits for university, as she now had an interest in becoming a Phisiotherapist. After a bit of persuasion from Ms. Hatzilakos, Alex reluctantly joined the lacrosse team and tried to make new friends. She met a girl named Serena whom she used to torment. (Alex almost blinded her with a laser pointer during a debate, and later on tripped her, spraining her ankle in the process.) Alex didn't remember having done such actions to her.


She had a brief conversation with Paige at the Dot, in which she expressed her desire to change and become a better person and rid herself of her previous bad-girl persona. Paige told her that it was impossible to change overnight, which disappointed Alex, who felt she had changed a lot already. Between her conversation with Paige and her run-ins with fellow lacrosse teammate Serena, Alex learned that even if she does change, people would still remember her for who she used to be and may not be willing to give her a second chance.

Alex received a phone call from ex-girlfriend, now friend, Paige, that she would be home from Thanksgiving break and wanted Alex to be there during the break with her. When Alex heard how Paige was on the phone, she decided to cheer her up and also wanted them to catch up. Alex revealed to Paige that she had a new girlfriend and she was 'kicking butt' in school. She also told Paige that she may join her at Banting next year. Paige insisted that Alex stayed over for a sleepover, just as friends, and Alex agreed.

The next day though, things turned sour, when Paige's panic attacks caused them to have an argument over their futures and Alex's new 'imaginary' girlfriend, Carla, who Alex later brought to The Del Rossi/Michalchuck Thanksgiving dinner to get under Paige's skin. Alex didn't know that Paige was stressed out and was suffering from panic attacks.

Alex phoned Paige and told her she'd aced her biology test and apologized for her behavior at the Thanksgiving dinner. Carla took her out for a congratulations dinner, which got interrupted when Paige walked in to join them.

Later, Alex took Paige over to her place and wanted to know why Paige was back in town so early. Paige said that it was because she missed everyone and no one at Banting got her. Paige softened the moment by asking Alex if they were going to be together forever, and Alex jokingly asked her if Paige had planned on screaming at her again. Alex didn't want to get into a big discussion about it, since it was a school night, so she changed the subject by offering to tuck Paige into bed. As she went to do so, Paige surprised her by kissing her. Alex asked her what the kiss was all about, but Paige told her it was just a good night kiss. Alex, disappointed and angered by Paige's response, went to bed.

The next morning, Paige made Alex 'amends waffles' for breakfast and told Alex the kiss 'never happened', which disappointed Alex. Alex couldn't understand why Paige had come back home from school so much in the past few days, but when she tried to ask Paige about it, Paige told her she had a plan and that Alex would just have to wait and find out.

Once at dinner with Alex, Marco, Spinner, and Jimmy, Paige told everyone she was getting a scholarship to Toronto University in the middle of the semester. Alex confronted her outside about it and Paige lied more, and said that she was kicking butt at Banting. When Paige spilled gas on her boots, she asked Alex to look for paper towels in the trunk. There, Alex found burnt papers with failing grades.

Alex took matters into her own hands by telling Paige's mom about Paige's failing grades at Banting. Paige, of course, was upset that she told. But Alex told Paige that she had only told her mom because she was tired of Paige lying to her since she'd gotten back in town. Paige told Alex that the reason she had been lying to her was because she had wanted Alex to be proud of her and not see her as a disappointment because of her failing grades. Paige didn't know what to do and asked Alex for advice, but Alex told her that she needed to do what she wanted to do.

Alex encouraged Paige to have fun and to date a variety of guys casually. Paige took Alex's advice and started seeing Spinner and Ellie's ex-boyfriend, Jesse, and Alex grew increasingly jealous over Paige's budding attraction to Jesse.

Alex helped Jimmy and Spinner model their clothing line at the mall, an event that turned bad when Jesse and Spinner got into an argument over Paige. When Paige started to suffer from a panic attack, Alex comforted her and calmed her down. She then angrily broke up the fight. She rejected Paige's attempts to apologize for Jesse and Spinner.

Afterwards, at the Dot, Paige told Alex that she was finished with Spinner, but that Jesse still wanted to date casually. When she asked Alex for advice on what to do, Alex told her that Jesse and Spinner 'both suck' and that Paige did as well. She then stormed out on Paige. Paige chased Alex outside and confronted her about why Alex was angry at her, since it was Alex's suggestion that Paige date a few guys casually in the first place. Alex suddenly kissed Paige and confessed her love to her.

Confused, Paige asked why, if Alex loved her, she told her to go on all the dates. Alex told her that it was because she didn't want to see Paige dating another girl, and she thought any casual dating with guys was no big deal. Paige, shocked, almost confessed something to Alex, but quickly stopped herself. She told Alex that she just couldn't be with Alex right now and walked off, leaving Alex heartbroken.


In "Don't You Want Me, Part 1" Paige tells Alex that she isn't where she expected to be (i.e: dropping out of Banting), but that she's happy being with Alex. She kisses her, but Alex pushes her away, saying that she can't blow hot and cold.

Later, Alex's mom, Emily, tells her that her boyfriend, Chad, ran up thousands of dollars in debt and that they are going to be evicted from their apartment unless they can pay the rent. After telling her friends, Jay's new girlfriend, Mel, offers her a job at a bar as a cocktail waitress. But she soon leanrs that there's bigger money onstage as a stripper, so she decides to strip for big cash.

The next day (Don't You Want Me, Part 2), Paige asks Alex to be her 'sweetheart'. Alex kisses her, saying that the kiss was her answer. After learning that Alex has a job, Paige decides to go congratulate her at her work with a rose bouquet, not knowing that she is now a stripper. When she finds out, Paige and Alex have a big fight that ends with heartbroken Paige storming out, throwing the bouquet at Alex. The next day, they meet at the Dot, where Paige wants to wipe the slate clean. She offers Alex an internship at her mom's company, but Alex turns it down, saying that she already has a job. Hurt, Paige tells Alex that it 'kills her' everytime she strips. Alex refuses to quit, and Paige leaves, heartbroken again.

Eventually, Alex quits stripping. She goes home and discovers that all the money she earned was used by her mother to bail Chad out. Alex, furious, packs her things and tells them that 'they're on their own'. She goes to the Degrassi Winter Formal in the red dress that Paige had bought her days before. She meets up with Paige and tells her that the dance was the first ever Degrassi dance she's been to. Still kind of hurt, Paige asks her why her dress isn't on the floor at her work. Alex tells her that she quit. She starts to break down, saying that Chad was bailed out and that now she has nowhere to go or no one to go to. Paige tells Alex that she has her, and they hug.

Memorable Moments

She, Jay and Towerz broke in a snack machine in season 3.



  • I'm officially too old for this.