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Another World/Episode 920

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Episode 920
Season 5, Episode 18
Airdate January 25, 1968
Production Number 920
Written by
Directed by
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Episode 919
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Episode 921
Another WorldSeason Five
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Episode 925 is the eighteenth episode of the fifth season of Another World, and the nine-hundred twentieth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Lahoma was alarmed to hear unintelligible cries coming from Lee's apartment. Lenore told Walter how pleased she was that Lee decided to take her up on her offer to move in. Walter has officially decided to run for attorney general. Lee couldn't recall her nightmares as a concerned Lahoma sponged her off. Rachel reminded Ada that today was the day her horoscope says was favorable for inviting Mary to lunch. Madge told Ada about the section line road in Iowa, then told her Flo and Max have set up housekeeping in a nice apartment on the North Side. A haggard Lee remembered only fragmentarily when Lahoma mentioned waking her from her nightmares last night. Ada worried that Sam was so in love with Lee he couldn't see straight. Lee said good-bye to Lahoma. Lt. Dick Nolan questioned Lahoma about Lefty, who'd been found dead this morning.



The Show

Allusions and References


  • Walter: If I run-- no, correction-- when I run for state's attorney general, I want from you-- the ultimate endorsement.
  • Lenore: (warily) The ultimate--?
  • Walter: Don't you know what that is? I want you to be my wife.

(fade to black)

  • Announcer: We'll return to our story in just a moment.