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Another World/Episode 6701

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Episode 6701
Season 27, Episode 219
Airdate November 6, 1990
Production Number 6699
Written by
Directed by
← 27x218
Episode 6700
27x220 →
Episode 6702
Another WorldSeason Twenty-Seven
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Episode 6701 is the two-hundred nineteenth episode of the twenty-seventh season of Another World, and the six thousand six-hundred ninety-ninth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

John laments to Taylor about Sharlene's departure. Donna invites John over for cocktails, and then invites Taylor to join them. Grant and Taylor argue about John. Grant intercepts Sharlene's message for John, and stuffs it in his pocket. John confronts Grant, and asks if he's heard from Sharlene. Lucas delivers the art to Iris, but won't hand over the predated receipt until Iris gives him an explanation. Ryan interrogates Iris about her relationship with Jake. Lucas tells Iris that he thinks her art purchase has something to do with Jake. Jessica, the assistant D.A., gives Grant a hard time about Ryan's inability to make an arrest in Jake's shooting. Ryan questions a defensive Paulina about Jake. Dean asks Paulina to come with him to Chicago, and Rachel gives them the limo. Jessica pressures Ryan about making an arrest, and they argue. Frankie fills Stacey in on the case. Frankie tells Stacey that Donna asked her to investigate Jake, and they voice their suspicions about Donna. Donna gets emotional after calling Mikey. Stacey tells Donna that her and Jake's affair could change the focus of the investigation, and asks Donna if she shot Jake.



The Show

Allusions and References
