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Another World/Episode 6682

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Episode 6682
Season 27, Episode 200
Airdate October 10, 1990
Production Number 6680
Written by
Directed by
← 27x199
Episode 6681
27x201 →
Episode 6683
Another WorldSeason Twenty-Seven
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Episode 6682 is the two-hundredth episode of the twenty-seventh season of Another World, and the six thousand six-hundred eightieth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Frankie tricks Felicia into coming to her place, where Lucas is waiting for her. Lucas tells Felicia how he feels for her, and then grabs Felicia and kisses her. Felicia tells Lucas that she has to figure out her marriage to Mitch. Felicia calls Mitch and says she's coming to Africa to see him, unaware that another woman is sitting on Mitch's bed. Jamie is curious by Stacey's harsh comments about Jake, and asks Stacey if something happened between her and Jake. Jamie asks Paulina why she danced with Jake at the party, and she covers. Paulina tells Jamie that she thinks he still loves Marley. Vicky balks when Donna asks her to help her stop Marley and Jake's marriage. Marley and Donna argue when Donna tries to talk Marley out of marrying Jake. Vicky tells Marley that she'd rather see Marley with Jamie than trapped in a bad marriage to Jake. Marley asks Vicky to be her maid of honor. Marley announces that she's picked a wedding date, and Donna looks on in disgust as Jake and Marley kiss.



The Show

Allusions and References
