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Another World/Episode 6655

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Episode 6655
Season 27, Episode 173
Airdate September 3, 1990
Production Number 6653
Written by
Directed by
← 27x172
Episode 6654
27x174 →
Episode 6656
Another WorldSeason Twenty-Seven
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Episode 6655 is the one-hundred seventy-third episode of the twenty-seventh season of Another World, and the six thousand six-hundred fifty-third episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Vicky tells Marley to forget about Jamie and Jake and find a new man. Marley tells Taylor she's attracted to another man. Taylor says to forget him, because it's easy to be attracted to something forbidden. Marley calls Jake and tells him she wants a commitment. Sharlene sees John beating Grant up. John accuses Grant of trying to see Sharlene. Grant admits he suggested John for the convention, but as thanks for saving his life. John accuses Sharlene of enjoying 2 men fighting over her when she tells him about her visit to Grant. John declines the convention. Grant tells Sharlene that he'll leave her alone. John asks Taylor what's happening to his marriage. Amanda asks Evan if he really wants to get involved with her and her daughter. Meanwhile, Sam explains to Olivia that if he can prove the signatures were forged, he can clear his name. Olivia asks Sam if he still loves Amanda. Sam tells Olivia his marriage to Amanda is over, and it hurts. He then tells Olivia not to fall in love with him. Ryan tells Stacey that Marius is a bad character and they should try to get his date on their side. The date is Vicky. Ryan gets Vicky away from Marius in the middle of her date, and asks what she thinks she's doing. Vicky says she's getting the story of the year. Ryan tries to warn Vicky about Marius. When they leave, Ryan follows them. Vicky blows Marius off, and suggests that her and Ryan work as a team to get Marius. They almost kiss.



The Show

Allusions and References
