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Another World/Episode 3411

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Episode 3411
Season 14, Episode 250
Airdate December 23, 1977
Production Number 3409
Written by
Directed by
← 14x249
Episode 3410
14x251 →
Episode 3412
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3411 is the two-hundred fiftieth episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand four-hundred ninth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Mac believed Iris was unrepentant about her interference in his marriage when Brian pleaded her case to him. Olive told Greg she hopes John burns for what he did. Quentin told Rachel he's leaving Bay City to work for Howard Chandler. Brooks, Louise, and Dennis singing "Jeannette Isabella" made Iris pine for happier days. Rachel rushed from the room when Mac dropped by with gifts. Brian offered to take a despondent Iris on a honeymoon to the Greek Islands. Pat dropped by just to tell Gwen and Russ she can't make their dinner date. Sven said he would kill Helga if they told Mac the truth. Greg consoled Marianne when John was unresponsive to her visit. Pat warned Olive, who just had a nightmare about Evan's death, that she won't let her destroy John's life.



The Show

Allusions and References
