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Another World/Episode 3366

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Episode 3366
Season 14, Episode 205
Airdate October 20, 1977
Production Number 3364
Written by
Directed by
← 14x204
Episode 3365
14x206 →
Episode 3367
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3366 is the two-hundred fifth episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand three-hundred sixty-fourth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Liz came to the nurses' station to nag Alice about abandoning the company Steve left her and the man she married. Liz escorted Ray over to Alice when she ran into him in the elevator, but Alice wasn't interested in a reconciliation. Willis told Burt and Gwen that Cory is closing down the regional warehouses and building a centralized one in Bay City next to the printing plant. Russ advised Alice to just jolly Liz along, then had to turn down Elena's dinner invite as he'd just accepted Alice's. Angie asked Ray to escort her to dinner at Clarice and Burt's. Ada asked Clarice to draw Rachel out. Elena asked Gwen for help reuniting Mac and Rachel, and Gwen didn't believe that Mac had been indiscreet. Elena was curious when Gwen received a call from Russ. Clarice warned Rachel she was throwing Mac into Regine's arms and advised her to wait till Mac returned before taking further steps. Burt was surprised that Angie brought Ray over, and so was Willis when he crashed the party. Sally strummed "Greensleeves" on her guitar for Russ and Gwen. A glum Willis dropped in at Alice's and everyone convinced him to stay. Gwen scolded Willis's tactlessness in telling Alice that Ray was with Angie.



The Show

Allusions and References
