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Another World/Episode 3346

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Episode 3346
Season 14, Episode 185
Airdate September 20, 1977
Production Number 3344
Written by
Directed by
← 14x184
Episode 3345
14x186 →
Episode 3347
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3346 is the one-hundred eighty-fifth episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand three-hundred forty-fourth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Ray failed to talk Alice out of taking Angie out of the office so she could sit with Sally. Helga convinced Regine to sneak out of the mansion and make her presence known at the complex. Evan told Olive that John might look at Joan differently if Olive made him believe Joan was interested in him. Restless Molly told Willis she wished Michael had more drive, complained they always lived with his relatives, and admired Olive. Gwen didn't think much of Evan's designs. Corinne told Gwen she was returning to New York because she'd unintentionally led Russ on. Alice felt they had to turn to Willis for help when Vera pulled the plug on the museum. Olive advised a bored Molly to be open with Michael, and asked her to ask him about Barbara so Olive would be able to prevent it from happening again. Sven chided Helga for having married Knut, and she cried about nearly drowning herself on her wedding night. Willis, Gwen, and Angie worried Alice's firm would go under. Ray gulped down his drink and shouted at Alice that he couldn't face Willis without it.



The Show

Allusions and References
