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Another World/Episode 3326

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Episode 3326
Season 14, Episode 165
Airdate August 23, 1977
Production Number 3324
Written by
Directed by
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Episode 3325
14x166 →
Episode 3327
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3326 is the one-hundred sixty-fifth episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand three-hundred twenty-fourth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Elena did her best to convince Iris she might flirt but would never steal a friend's man. Iris ran for the phone when Liz came by to tell her of Rachel's return. Olive grimaced when John said he'd be delighted to stay home and keep her from being lonely. Olive endured his embrace stonily after he agreed to cultivate Iris. Alice showered a dejected Ray with praise to get him out of bed and off to work. Iris backed down on her threats to fire Sven when he blackmailed her, but was pleased at his actions with Rachel yesterday. After Iris threatened to sue him for his retainer, John agreed to get Rachel to sign an agreement renouncing all claim to Mac's estate. After getting rid of Liz, Jim told Alice that Ray must have kept it from Willis that the stadium was way over budget. Olive was annoyed Evan was working on a dinky studio, and he was annoyed she was still stalling him. Ray said Jim must be mistaken, and Alice didn't want to broach the subject with Willis. Iris told John she'd be friendly with Olive if he got Rachel to sign the agreement. Ray comforted Alice when Emmett told them they'd lost the stadium.



The Show

Allusions and References
