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Another World/Episode 3298

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Episode 3298
Season 14, Episode 137
Airdate July 14, 1977
Production Number 3296
Written by
Directed by
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Episode 3297
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Episode 3299
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3298 is the one-hundred thirty-seventh episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand two-hundred ninety-sixth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Dennis introduced Jamie to Elena, who was putting suntan lotion on Jeff's back by the pool. Vera was annoyed to find Jeff there. Jamie spoke to Louise about Rocky and realized Sven must have used his tape recorder against him. Willis got Alice to agree to talk about their situation be threatening to resign from the project. Sven patted his rifle and told Helga she should be grateful to it, then he blasted her for her damaging answers to Jamie's questions about the use of his recorder. Helga answered the phone, then Sven picked it up to discourage Cliff before Regine came to talk to him. Iris was cross that Elena sided with Brian's opinion of Mac and Rachel. Helga convinced Sven not to use the rifle to scare Cliff off. Jamie and Dennis discovered Rocky skulking about the Cory boat house. In Helga's dream, she was wearing a soiled house dress with a general unkempt appearance when Sven came home with a large sack. It opened by itself and Helga stared at it horrified as the bloody figure of her husband Knut emerged and stumbled to his feet. Knut struck her across the face and accused her of plotting his murder. Helga wouldn't tell Regine why she was nightmaring about her father. Brian and Elena fell into each other's arms and kissed as Iris watched from the doorway. Willis thought it a mistake that Alice was reincorporating the firm under the name Gordon Enterprises to clarify the authority within the firm.



The Show

Allusions and References
