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Another World/Episode 3287

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Episode 3287
Season 14, Episode 126
Airdate June 29, 1977
Production Number 3284
Written by
Directed by
← 14x125
Episode 3286
14x127 →
Episode 3288
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3287 is the one-hundred twenty-sixth episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand two-hundred eighty-fifth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Iris brushed past Regine and insisted on waiting for Brian in his office. Iris bristled when Gwen came in to leave Brian a note about their activities last night, as Brian had stood her up to be with Gwen. Mac told Fred he couldn't face telling Rachel he wasn't man enough to give her a child. Rachel asked Brian to look into adoption procedures. Gwen told Willis to cool off and let Brian handle Ray. Gwen warned Dave that Iris may draw him into their feud. Iris was perturbed when Brian mentioned he'd seen her soon-to-be houseguest Elena in New York last year. Brian said they'd go their separate ways if they couldn't reach an understanding. Iris listened in on the extension when Brian called Rachel with the number for Ann Spires, then was thoughtful after calling the number and learning it was for the Bay City Adoption Center. Jeff whined but had to acquiesce when Vera started treating him like a gigolo, and looked away embarrassed when Gwen and Willis realized it. An otherwise deliriously happy Rachel told Dave she wouldn't humiliate Mac by bringing up his sterility.



The Show

Allusions and References
