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Another World/Episode 3276

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Episode 3276
Season 14, Episode 115
Airdate June 14, 1977
Production Number 3274
Written by
Directed by
← 14x114
Episode 3275
14x116 →
Episode 3277
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3276 is the one-hundred fifteenth episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand two-hundred seventy-fourth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Rocky suggested checking the account books for falsifications after telling Louise they needed concrete proof against Sven. Iris was annoyed when Louise opined Brian wasn't the right man for her. Cliff got confused when Ray gave him instructions contradicting Willis's orders. Brian had Regine make Iris wait when she called, but Gwen realized Iris could hear them talking. Willis accepted the fact that Angie doesn't have any faith in him but couldn't forgive her for not trusting him. Louise was upset Iris mutilated her poor flowers. Liz asked Iris to get Mac to get her a job at the complex so she'll be closer to Pat. Regine noticed Helga was padding the accounts, but Helga insisted she had to do what Sven told her. Helga burned the receipts moments before Louise arrived to copy figures from the account book. Alice asked Ray to bend a little to accommodate Willis after Willis blasted him for countermanding his instructions. Brian felt he and Iris got on better if they maintained a certain tension. Gwen phoned him as instructed, but was incredulous when he made up his end of the conversation for Iris's benefit. Iris smashed her brandy glass on the patio floor after Brian tripped out.



The Show

Allusions and References
