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Another World/Episode 3271

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Episode 3271
Season 14, Episode 110
Airdate June 7, 1977
Production Number 3269
Written by
Directed by
← 14x109
Episode 3270
14x111 →
Episode 3272
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3271 is the one-hundred tenth episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand two-hundred sixty-ninth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Mac and Helga displayed Rachel's first piece of work, a small sculpture of a horse, in the living room in hopes of inspiring Rachel. Willis arrived to interrupt Sally questioning Alice about the wedding guest list. Alice agreed when he wanted the new architect to have no previous connection to the firm so that his loyalty would be to him and Gwen. Iris warned Brian she may expect to be more than a diversion in his eyes. Liz arrived to dash their plans to head upstairs, but Iris got rid of her. Dennis was excited, but Iris less so, when Mac asked Corinne to show him the ropes in the editorial department. Alice promoted Michael to assistant foreman on the museum project when he mentioned wanting to be able to afford his own place. Ray was bitter that Willis was moving his staff into the premises. Liz agreed she had to change her ways, and Pat advised her to get a new job. After Rachel rebuffed her, Iris delighted in phoning Mac to tell him Rachel appeared to be in good hands with Quentin.



The Show

Allusions and References
