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Another World/Episode 3269

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Episode 3269
Season 14, Episode 108
Airdate June 3, 1977
Production Number 3267
Written by
Directed by
← 14x107
Episode 3268
14x109 →
Episode 3270
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3269 is the one-hundred eighth episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand two-hundred sixty-seventh episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Willis foresaw difficulties when Emmett requested he supervise the project. Rocky ran to Brooks with his troubles, but Brooks had to admit he saw no evidence Sven and Helga were taking advantage of the Corys. Jim and Scott told Alice and Ray they would forego their retainers until the firm found another project. Rachel questioned Helga about the extravagances in the budget. Rachel showed Gwen her designs so she'd have a better idea on how to design a wing of the museum. Jeff came to Vera for confirmation she had work for him. Helga warned Sven they can't go on padding the food bills, but that was fine as he intended to find a wealthy husband for Regine. Brooks warned them he'd go to the Cory's if they continue to harass Rocky. Vera confided to Willis she's attracted to Jeff and hopes to use him for disagreeable situations her regular lawyer wouldn't touch. Both Scott and Angie were upset when they ran into Willis at the restaurant. Ray moodily sulked out onto the terrace after Alice agreed to Emmett's stipulation that Willis be in charge of the project.



The Show

Allusions and References
