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Another World/Episode 3215

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Episode 3215
Season 14, Episode 54
Airdate March 18, 1977
Production Number 3212
Written by
Directed by
← 14x53
Episode 3214
14x55 →
Episode 3216
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3215 is the fifty-fourth episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand two-hundred thirteenth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Olive and John returned home. Liz was upset when Alice and Pat accused her of being instrumental in Russ and Sharlene's breakup. Sven toyed with Helga, who reminded him they're not really cousins. Jeff turned away and smiled to himself after Ray walked out angrily when Alice pressed him to accept Jeff's ideas. John told Pat their divorce was final. Helga asked Louise to ask Iris for a job for Rocky, since it looks like Rachel will have to let him go. Liz told Jim that Russ and Pat need his support. Olive was going through John's bank books when he pulled up, so she hurriedly replaced the books, switched on the vacuum and began to work industriously. Olive got John to move their wedding up to next week. Alice didn't believe Ray's accusation that Jeff was trying to undercut him with her.



The Show

Allusions and References
