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Another World/Episode 3181

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Episode 3181
Season 14, Episode 20
Airdate January 31, 1977
Production Number 3179
Written by
Directed by
← 14x19
Episode 3180
14x21 →
Episode 3182
Another WorldSeason Fourteen
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Episode 3181 is the twentieth episode of the fourteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand one-hundred seventy-ninth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Ada was sad to hear Clarice had taken an apartment nearby. Rocky warned Brooks that Iris would use his friendship with Louise to make trouble for Mac and Rachel. Mac told Evan to bill him for the studio. Ada asked Mac to help her talk Rachel into hiring a new housekeeper. Rachel agreed to hire Helga Lindeman on a trial basis. Helga said she and her cousin Sven used to tend the Baldwin estate in Ogden. Clarice was mystified when a man dropped by to see Ada and wouldn't give his name. Rachel told Helga that her staff consisted of Hansen for the grounds, Olsen for the stables, and Brooks the chauffeur. Dennis told Jamie that Brooks was a better match for Louise than Rocky. Scott cautioned Jim to be wary of Jeff. Rachel convinced Mac it was important for her to pay for her studio herself. Ada was devastated when Burt McGowan arrived to tell her Gil and Tim had been killed in a mine explosion.



The Show

Allusions and References
