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Another World/Episode 3160

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Episode 3160
Season 13, Episode 255
Airdate December 30, 1976
Production Number 3158
Written by
Directed by
← 13x254
Episode 3159
13x256 →
Episode 3161
Another WorldSeason Thirteen
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Episode 3160 is the two-hundred fifty-fifth episode of the thirteenth season of Another World, and the three thousand one-hundred fifty-eighth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Marianne warned Molly she won't let her play up to her. Ada offered to tell Ken to get lost for Rachel. On Olive's orders, Jeff quizzed Pat about her divorce. Marianne told Dave that his dropping Pat for Rachel proves Liz's claim that he takes advantage of lonely unhappy women. Ada warned Mac other men might start to pursue Rachel if they don't work out their differences.



The Show

Allusions and References


  • Marianne: You're not going to get away with this.
  • Molly: Listen, you! You're spoiled, always trying to run everyone's life, and making yourself miserable for it. I'm just glad we're not friends.

  • Rachel: You could never interest me.
  • Ken: Well, that's putting it right on the line.