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Another World/Episode 2166

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Episode 2166
Season 10, Episode 7
Airdate January 10, 1973
Production Number 2166
Written by
Directed by
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Episode 2165
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Episode 2167
Another WorldSeason Ten
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Episode 2166 is the seventh episode of the tenth season of Another World, and the two thousand one-hundred sixty-sixth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

John maintained Mark was a biased source when he realized Mark had been filling Gil's ears with stories about John. John told him Pat had been stable ever since they were married, but blamed himself for Pat's drinking. Mary told Pat not to rely on her and Jim so much if it prevented her from picking up her life. Pat, who was staying with them, said she'd never return to her house because of the bad memories the terrace would evoke. Robert and Lenore had to cancel dinner plans when John phoned and insisted on coming over. Gil told Rachel that since Ted's parole expired just before Christmas he can go anywhere he wants. Ada was easily enticed into a bowling date with Gil. Lenore didn't mention Walter's killing of Wayne when she and John tried to figure out if anyone knew about Walter's crooked dealings beside Wayne and Bernice.



The Show

Allusions and References


  • Lenore: Just having you here's more than I ever expected to find after Walter died.