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Another World/Episode 1799

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Episode 1799
Season 8, Episode 141
Airdate July 20, 1971
Production Number 1799
Written by
Directed by
← 8x140
Episode 1798
8x142 →
Episode 1800
Another WorldSeason Eight
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Episode 1799 is the one-hundred forty-first episode of the eighth season of Another World, and the one thousand seven-hundred ninety-ninth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Lenore caught Walter with the envelope containing the incriminating scarf, but he hurriedly stuffed it into the safe, twirled the dial, then leaned his head wearily against the wall. Bernice dropped by before heading out of town on business, then Walter made an appointment with Russ. Rachel leveled with Steve about Ted's history in the restaurant business, then asked him to back Ted. He was hesitant, but was willing when Rachel offered to get Gerald to pay for part of the financing. Cindy enjoyed meeting Jamie, but her chat with Rachel was filled with long awkward pauses. Rachel was more optimistic when Ted told Cindy he'd never be able to raise the cash to buy the Inn. Russ gave Walter a clean bill of health, but Walter was irritated when Russ remarked on his nervous tension. Trying to be casual, Walter wondered if Russ could recommend a psychiatrist for a client who was a really nervous man.



The Show

Allusions and References


  • Steve: You really love that man you married, don't you?
  • Rachel: Yes, I do.
  • Steve: Well what do you know about that?