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Another World/Episode 1790

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Episode 1790
Season 8, Episode 132
Airdate July 7, 1971
Production Number 1790
Written by
Directed by
← 8x131
Episode 1789
8x133 →
Episode 1791
Another WorldSeason Eight
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Episode 1790 is the one-hundred thirty-second episode of the eighth season of Another World, and the one thousand seven-hundred ninetieth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

At the air terminal, Alice smiled tentatively as Steve rushed to meet her. He stopped abruptly and looked at her gravely for a moment, and then held out his arms to her. She hesitated, then went into his arms. Jim assured a concerned Mary that it was a happy occasion as Russ and Cindy are engaged, Pat is over her illness, and Alice was coming back to them. Russ noticed how listless and pre-occupied Cindy was. Cindy confided in Dan, who urged her to tell Russ before Rachel did. Everyone stood stock still when the doorbell rang, then they all rushed to greet Alice, who insisted she was very happy now. Alice didn't want to hear Steve's news about Rachel on her first night home. John came to chat Cindy up before she could tell Russ what was bothering her. Russ was irritated when Cindy finally told him, but insisted nobody, not Rachel or her mother or her brother, could ever come between them.



The Show

Allusions and References


  • Mary: Alice.
  • Jim: Alice, darling.
  • Pat: Oh, it's so wonderful.
  • John: Welcome back.