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Another World/Episode 1400

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Episode 1400
Season 6, Episode 244
Airdate December 30, 1969
Production Number 1400
Written by
Directed by
← 6x243
Episode 1399
6x245 →
Episode 1401
Another WorldSeason Six
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Episode 1400 is the two-hundred forty-fourth episode of the sixth season of Another World, and the one thousand four-hundredth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Lahoma remarked that since Sam obviously loved the research he was doing right then for Dru, he should take the bar exams in January. Sam was hurt then bitter when Lahoma spoke only of his professional, not personal, future. Liz thought Susan purposely contrary when she wouldn't enthuse over Liz's efforts to broaden her horizons with clubwork. Susan was angry when Liz rubbed it in that her marriage turned out to be a drudgery of housework and not the perfect panacea she'd planned. Tony told Fred he couldn't wait to meet Susan, and described how his job was like crossing architecture with language. Susan liked Tony right off, but she swirled her drink and felt very excluded from the conversation as Fred and Tony caught up. Lenore wanted Walter to resolve with her to have a baby in the new year. Lenore found it marvelous after reading Dr. Ramirez's letter that she was able to have a baby, but Walter was bitter that it implied he was unable to give her a child.




The Show

Allusions and References


  • Fred: Great to see you again, Tony. Just great.
  • Tony: Sorry to drag you away from work, Dad.