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Another World/Episode 1061

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Episode 1061
Season 5, Episode 159
Airdate August 15, 1968
Production Number 1061
Written by
Directed by
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Episode 1062
Another WorldSeason Five
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Episode 1061 is the one-hundred fifty-ninth episode of the fifth season of Another World, and the one thousand sixty-first episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Ernie informed Ada that Sam or no Sam, they had to get married. Missy clung to Bill while empathizing with Peggy. Liz told Bill the trouble was that every time she said something sensible, it shocked the sentimental people around her. Missy and Bill told Liz of Dick's death, and she told them of Russ giving up a wonderful opportunity because of an empty-headed, bird-brained, inadequate child like Rachel. Mary came over and led up in a gingerly fashion to asking Ada if Rachel had mentioned the Boston offer. Ada gleaned that Russ turned it down on account of Rachel, and was astounded that Ernie knew Massachusetts General was where ether was discovered. Lee told Lahoma that she'd run into Sam, whom she felt must have hatred for her creeping and burning within him. Lahoma was vehemently against winning Sam that way when Lee said Sam would marry Lahoma once he hated Lee enough. When Missy went into the kitchen to check on dinner, Bill forced Liz to admit she'd spoken her mind to Jim and Mary about Rachel. When Ada asserted that Rachel had to go to Boston with Russ, Mary suggested they both help take care of Rachel while Russ was there. Ernie was secretly doubtful that Ada would be able to influence Rachel.



The Show

Allusions and References


  • Missy: Mrs. Matthews, Russ loves Rachel.
  • Liz: Personally, I think it was pure biology, or chemistry or whatever they call it.
  • Bill: One of those sciences. Geology, anyone?