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Another World/Episode 1045

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Episode 1045
Season 5, Episode 143
Airdate July 24, 1968
Production Number 1045
Written by
Directed by
← 5x142
Episode 1044
5x144 →
Episode 1046
Another WorldSeason Five
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Episode 1045 is the one-hundred forty-third episode of the fifth season of Another World, and the one thousand forty-fifth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

Unbelievably shocked, Sam took it like a blow to the solar plexis when Lee repeated her intent not to marry him. Russ confided Rachel's troubles to Lahoma, who agreed not to let Ada know. Ada was worried when Russ wouldn't let Ernie accompany her to see Rachel. Lahoma was unable to answer the double barrels when an eager Ernie wondered if she knew when Lee planned to get married. Lee, unable to say anything harsh, was frantic when Sam insisted that putting the past behind her didn't mean including him. Lee was glad when Walter and Lenore showed up unexpectedly to drag them all out to dinner. A miserable Lahoma desperately tried to dodge Ernie's attempts to find out Lee's intentions. When Lenore quizzed Lee about her wedding date, Sam made excuses, and he and Lee were able to leave the restaurant gracefully. Lee dashed Sam's good mood by finally saying she not only couldn't marry him, she didn't want to.



The Show

Allusions and References
