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Another World/Episode 1028

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Episode 1028
Season 5, Episode 126
Airdate July 1, 1968
Production Number 1028
Written by
Directed by
← 5x125
Episode 1027
5x127 →
Episode 1029
Another WorldSeason Five
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Episode 1028 is the one-hundred twenty-sixth episode of the fifth season of Another World, and the one thousand twenty-eighth episode overall.


Guest Starring:



Plot Overview

The perceptive viewer saw by Lenore's attitude and expression that she had a sweet-sad, half-scared, half-anticipating feeling. Over breakfast, Russ fed toast to an excited Rachel, who begged Alice to tell her all about the luncheon. Lenore showed Lee how Ada did her hair special. Fred came in with Helen, who shooed the girls up the stairs. In the sacristy of St. John's Cathedral, Walter and Dru spoke with Dr. Brooks, the minister. With a sense of wonder, Walter peeked out at the arriving guests, then confided to Dru a little ruefully that he liked Bill, though he'd always worried about him. Alice entered, then Lee, then Fred escorted Lenore down the aisle. The entire cast, except Ernie and Peggy, watched as Walter and Lenore exchanged vows and rings.



The Show

Allusions and References


  • Minister: Walter Curtin, wilt thou have Lenore to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the Holy State of Matrimony?
  • Walter: I will.