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America Says

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America Says
Premiere June 18, 2018
Finale December 16, 2022
Creator Cleve Keller,
Dave Noll
Host John Michael Higgins
Network/Provider Game Show Network
Style 30-minute game show
Company Entertainment One,
Keller Noll,
Game Show Enterprises
Seasons 5
Episodes 540
Origin USA

Similar to Family Feud, America Says pits two teams in uncovering answers in a national poll. A question with a blank is presented such as "My favorite movie with lots of dancing is _______" which has seven answers. Those are shown on the board as blank with the first letter of each word spotted. A member of the first team gives a response. A correct reveal is worth 100 points and that player may continue giving answers as long as it is on the board. If an answer is not on the board, the next player makes a guess. The team has thirty seconds to uncover all seven answers, with uncovering all seven scoring a 1000 point bonus (An answer given out of turn deducts five seconds from the team's time). If the team fails to uncover all seven answers, the opposing team tries to uncover one remaining answer for 100 points.

Point values double in round two and triple in round three. The top scoring team wins the game, $1000 and vies for $15,000 in an end game where they have sixty seconds to uncover answers to four questions. The first question has only one answer, the second two, the third three and the fourth four.



Season  Premiere Finale #
Game Show Network
Season One June 18, 2018 September 13, 2018 64
Season Two November 26, 2018 April 8, 2019 96
Season Three July 22, 2019 January 28, 2020 160
Season Four May 31, 2021 October 1, 2021 90
Season Five April 25, 2022 December 16, 2022 130


DVD Releases

There are no DVD releases for this show.

External Sites